I moved back to the Pacific Northwest just over a year ago and finally got around to visiting a few local yarn stores. I looooove local yarn stores, though they’re always a little difficult for me because I want to buy ALL THE YARN.
I was motivated this year because of the PNW yarn crawl. A group of local yarn stores get together to put on this event and it’s fun! I only managed to go to two of the seven participating stores but at each store you get a free pattern, an entry in a daily drawing, and if you manage to visit all the stores you get entered into a big drawing. Fun stuff!
My first stop was Firwood Farm Alpacas in Fife, WA. My kids loved this store. You can go out into the back and see the alpacas in the field and they even let you feed them! My kids were shockingly good while at this store, even while I was looking at some yarn. They had alpaca-themed decorations and toys that the kids loved to look at and I picked up a hank of beautiful alpaca lace (the light pink in the picture) that I have no idea what I’m going to make into. 🙂
My second and, unfortunately, last stop, was a new LYS, My Yarn Heaven, in Puyallup, WA. It’s in downtown Puyallup in a cute little yellow house. They had fun little temporary tattoos for the kids and they also had a bin of toys to keep them entertained while I shopped. They didn’t want to leave when I was done. 🙂 I left with a supersoft hank of Glenhaven Cashmerino Fingering from Three Irish Girls that is SO SOFT and delicious and I can’t wait to use it, as well as a small hank of simplicity by HiKoo and some Cascade 220 Superwash. (I love yarn). The great bonus came the next day when I learned that I had won a $35 door prize so I got to go back and pick out MORE YARN! I didn’t pick it up this time but I’ve got my eye on some Road to China laceweight yarn. It is so so soft and beautiful but I decided I really need to use up some of my current supply before I buy more. 🙂
So, in all, the yarn crawl was fun! I’ll definitely participate in the Fall crawl in October, though I don’t know if I should visit more stores because I know I’ll buy yarn at each one and I don’t want to break the bank. 😉
Shop local and keep on crafting!